Ticket to Work | Newton Services Foundation

Understanding Employment Networks and How They Benefit You

New to the world of Employment Networks? Discover how Newton Services Foundation, a certified Employment Network, can aid you on your journey to fulfilling employment.
What is an Employment Network?
An Employment Network (EN) is a trusted organization that, in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA), aims to support individuals like you. Newton Services Foundation, an SSA-approved EN listed in the national directory, is here to provide comprehensive, FREE services when you're ready to return to work.
Our Committed Support –
Your Successful Transition Back to Work
Why Partner with Us on Your Journey to Work?
Reclamation of your financial future starts here. Through the Ticket to Work program, we ensure full protection of your SSDI and Medicare benefits as you venture back to work. Bask in the glow of financial independence while we navigate you through the nuances of the program. Be it understanding your benefits, finding employment, or meeting the Social Security rules, we've got your back!
Incentives that Make Returning to Work Even More Advantageous
The road to work comes bundled with numerous benefits, like extensions and protections for your SSDI benefits and healthcare coverage through Medicare for several years. Explore these key incentives:
Trial Work Period (TWP
Test your working abilities over nine months while still enjoying full SSDI benefits and job earnings.
Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE)
After TWP, receive full SSDI benefits for the first three months in addition to job earnings, and continue to receive SSDI if earnings drop below a certain level.
Continuing Medicare Coverage
Enjoy up to 7+ years of Medicare coverage after TWP, even if your SSDI payments stop because your earning level has increased.
Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits
If unable to work again within five years after your EPE ends, you can request to have your SSDI benefits restarted without filing a new application.
Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Protection
Avoid periodical disability claim reviews by SSA under the Ticket to Work program.
The Personal Joys of
to Work
Beyond all the monetary and programmatic benefits lie the personal rewards that rejuvenate your journey to work. Experience the joy of earning more, regain a part of your former self through work, find purpose in your day, build connections, and secure your future
Reenergize Your Career Journey with SSDI and Work
Are you ready to talk more about SSDI and work? Reach out today. Learn more about the multiple advantages we offer as an Employment Network, get started with Ticket to Work, and much more.
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